Apr 1, 2010

Spring Break

So, spring break has come and gone and, of course, I'm still behind on homework. That's not to say I didn't complete some and try to complete all of my catch-up-work, but once again I managed to succumb to the plethora of temptations and distractions that accompany a week off from school.

I caught up on move watching, video game playing, guitar practice, and writing...not writing about what I had been assigned to write about, but what I wanted to write about. It is rare that I find time to write what I want, research what I want, and just relax...I couldn't pass up the opportunity as I haven't been able to pass it up for the past three and a half years.

While some students are mingling and rabble rousing along the Florida panhandle, along the beaches and in the hotel rooms of the Mexican coast or whatever it is Spring Breakers do, stereotypically, on spring break, I sat back, drank a few brewskies and made myself at home in my home...

And another thing: spring break, as I've been mentioning, is a break. I find it comical and, at the same time, depressing that professors and the academic world feel so completely and egregiously inclined to assign homework that is to be completed during spring break. Or, more vehemently, that they find it necessary to assign a test to be taken on the first day of school following spring break.

The only downside to a work-free spring break: a work-slammed week after. Ugh, back to catching up.