Feb 8, 2010

Hard Topics, Harder Writes

Many times, writers have a difficult time drawing their readers in because the topic is obtuse or odious or just flat boring: medicine, economics, legal issues. Sometimes issues can be touchy. Sometimes the writer has to tread carefully, hoping not to step on toes. Religion is the key culprit here, but truly, it could be any topic depending on the audience and region in which the piece is to be published in and for. And sometimes topics are simply difficult to write about due to the exorbitant amount of facts related to them.

Writers have to know the facts. Hard topics can make the writer feel ignorant because the facts may be convoluted or it's not the writer's niche. Understanding of the topic is necessary for the writer to connect with his audience and understanding takes research and, most importantly, time, something most writers are severely short of.

Here are some op-ed pieces that do a good job in engaging the reader and making him care about the material, pieces that up and coming writers can learn a little something from.These articles present easily digestible facts.

I do not disagree or agree with all of the following pieces and some I partially agree or disagree with. I simply believe these to be pertinent examples of good, persuasive writing.

Economics: Panic, Debt, and Unemployment

Legal Issues: Delaying health benefits is a big risk

International Affairs: The not-so-safe Euro zone

Arts and Culture: Conan O' Brian made the smart move

Medicine and Health: Calorie counters

Religion: Sack the pro-life quarterback? (most of these step on toes no matter the subject. If interested, check the multitude of op-ed dissentions found in the On Faith section in which this piece was found. These could also fall under legal issues, but they more directly address ethical issues rather than legislative issues.)

Sports: Payton's clutch moves, Peyton's biggest loss, More snap judgments


Mactavius said...

Try to have your hyperlinks open in a separate tab.

Mactavius said...

I do not disagree or agree NOT
I do not disagree of agree