Apr 26, 2010

The Old Republic: Dev. Diary 3

BioWare is ambitious. Evidenced in the following video-diary, Bioware has taken dialogue to the next level and, in many ways, seemingly surpassed their own previous efforts. With great writers and with great actors, BioWare creates a believable and completely immersive Old Republic diegesis that fits perfectly with the overall Star Wars cannon - at least as of second impression and footage of this early build.

Unlike previous BioWare romps through the Star Wars universe (ie. KOTOR I and KOTOR II), it appears as if all encounterable NPCs will be ones with whom the player can converse. And each of these NPCs will, seemingly, learn from actions the player takes and from predetermined dialogue based on a player's class selection.

I'm a little skeptical still, but if BioWare can truly pull it off, which they can, it will change the way narrative impacts gameplay and the way in which videogames are viewed. It could be a step to truly making videogames interactive movies and novels.

But here's more....

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